Tuesday, January 24, 2023

Paid summer internship - Deadline Feb 10

We have decided to extend the application deadline for International Fresh Produce Association (IFPA)'s 2023 Summer Internship Program for all applicants to Friday, February 10th!


Through this paid internship, selected applicants gain real-work experience in an industry that makes a difference!

Twelve paid, 10-week project-based virtual part-time internships explore subjects relevant to students’ academic studies through hands-on experience with IFPA and the produce industry. There are three available internships in each of these four areas:

·                Food Safety – View full details.

·                Sustainability and SciTech – View full details.

·                Research and Analytics – View full details.

·                Government, Environmental and Nutrition Policy – View full details.

Applicants should be a current Sophomore or Junior (rising Junior or Senior undergraduate student at the time of the summer of 2023 internship) in a STEM based or Agriculture degree program at an accredited college or university in good standing. Funding for this position is grant-based, with the goal of promoting participation in the agriculture and food systems workforce by groups who are noticeably underrepresented in the field, including but not limited to women and people of color.

Application Deadline Extended to February 10th! Students who possess minimum qualifications for this position must first create an account to continue to the IFPA 2023 Summer Internship Application. *Specific application details can be found in each of the Job Description links above.

For more information, visit freshproduce.com/internships or contact me at BHochman@freshproduce.com.

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Barbara Hochman

Program & Education Manager

Office: 302.607.2189

Email: bhochman@freshproduce.com