Tuesday, February 21, 2023

2023 Sustainable Food Systems Lecture Series


Good afternoon, 

AGNR is proud to announce the 2023 Sustainable Food Systems Lecture Series, held in partnership with the Establish a Healthy Food System and Ensure Global Food and Nutritional Security strategic initiative team, as well as the Institute for Applied Agriculture. These lectures will be held in a virtual setting on an almost weekly basis throughout the spring. This year's theme is workforce development.

The kickoff event for 2023 features Maggie Cheney and D Rooney, General Managers & Owners of Rock Steady Farm in Dutchess County, New York with a talk titled - Rock Steady FarmOur Training Opportunities, Co-op Model and Food Access Work. 

Please take a moment to register for this exciting kickoff lecture. 

As always, these events are open to the public, so we encourage you to share info with your audiences. Attached is a square graphic for email, and to share on Facebook and Instagram.

Thank you for helping us spread the word. And please register!

Graham Binder
Senior Director of Communications
College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
University of Maryland
1102 Symons Hall
College Park, MD. 20742
binderg@umd.edu, 301.405.9235