PhD student positions are available in the lab of Dr. Eddie Brzostek ( in the Department of Biology at West Virginia University (WVU). Broadly, our lab studies how interactions between plants and soil microbes influence carbon and nitrogen cycling in forest and agricultural ecosystems, and how these interactions will impact ecosystem responses to global change. To do this, we couple empirical measurements with process and ecosystem model development to scale up mechanisms that operate at the level of individual roots and their associated mycorrhizae to larger scales. Incoming students are encouraged to develop their own research projects in these areas. Importantly, we strive to promote a fun, enthusiastic lab environment that encourages an atmosphere of collaboration and shared intellectual development.
Monday, February 27, 2023
PhD positions in Biogeochemistry at West Virginia University
The Department of Biology at WVU has a core of faculty members that study a variety of topics in ecology and also is in close proximity to world-class research sites including the WVU Research Forest and the Fernow Experimental Forest ( Financial support is available via research and teaching assistantships and there are additional opportunities for research and travel funds. More detailed information about the WVU Biology graduate student program is available at Prospective applicants are strongly encouraged to contact Eddie Brzostek ( ) prior to submitting an application to WVU.