Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Wildlife Biology Research Assistantship - Peru

Applications are open for limited spaces to join our spring and summer research program in the Peruvian Amazon. We have four field teams operating at any given time. RAs spend approximately 60% of their time assisting a specific project, and 40% of their time providing general support to other projects. Ongoing studies include:

Primate Behavior & Monitoring: assist a 12-year behavioral and mark-recapture study of three Neotropical primates species
Biodiversity & Wildlife Health: assist a wildlife veterinary team safely collect samples from several vertebrate taxa (bats, birds, small- to large-size mammals)
Animal Movement & Spatial Ecology: help set-up and collect data from a LoRa-based animal tracking system, and carry-out non-invasive animal detection protocols (eDNA collection, camera trapping, hair snare devices).
Conservation Genetics: join our field genetics laboratory team in intaking and analyzing samples associated with studies on microbiome, feeding ecology, taxonomy, and disease ecology.

Visit https://fieldprojects.org/participate/wildlife-biology/ to learn about training and skills acquired on each project.

Quick Facts:
2023 Start Dates: (Spring) Flexible Feb and March start dates; (Summer) May 29, June 12, July 3
Minimum Commitment: 5 weeks
Location: Los Amigos Biological Station, Peru
Application Deadline: (Spring) Jan 31; (Summer) March 31
Program Fee: $2450 for 5 weeks; $490 each additional week. Fee includes food+lodging at the field station, training and use of field equipment. Fee DOES NOT include transportation to field station.

For more information, including FAQ, visit:

Short on funding? See our scholarship opportunities:

Ready to apply? CV + 2 references required: