Friday, September 1, 2023

Fall 2023 Lake Roland Intern Search


This is Park Ranger/ Activity Coordinator Elizabeth Crampton from Lake Roland Park (Baltimore County Recreation & Parks). We are beginning our search for Fall 2023 interns, and are hoping to have this informational flier sent out to as many students as possible.

We are looking for a student who is pursuing a degree in Environmental Studies, Biology, Recreation and Parks, Park Management, Conservation, Environmental Planning, History, Education, or a related field. Interns will handle and provide care for resident animals, assist in planning/executing educational programs, and work with Rangers and Naturalists to complete park/trail maintenance projects.

While we cannot pay interns, we will work with universities to provide course/internship credit for the student(s). Any information you can pass on to your students would be greatly appreciated. Please have interested candidates send their resume, and cover letter to me at as soon as possible.

Thank you
