Chesterfield FARMS LLC desires to hire a person to work in and with their soil blending and soil production. This person should be able to perform basic tests such as texture with hydrometer, pH, soluble salts and organic matter. Other responsibilities would be sampling/testing of incoming materials used in soil blending production, adjust blending/mixing formulas based on current incoming material test results, sampling/testing finished soil products, comparing our test results to the actual soil specifications, (if needed) adjusting blending/mixing formula to meet specifications, submit samples to outside lab for periodic/random testing, compare outside lab results to their test results, prepare soil samples along with applicable paperwork for job specific submittal, write soil certifications for specific jobs, prepare job specific submittal packages for customers and periodic review of our methods/procedures to ensure compliance to that of the industry. Chesterfield Farms LLC currently does all this other than the in house testing.
What will be a plus about working with Chesterfield FARMS will be that once they have our quality assurance program in place they want to conduct some research. They have worked with various clients and have been very instrumental in the developing of soil blends for specific storm water and green roof applications. They wish to be able to work with more clients in this endeavor.
To Inquire: Contact Alan Boehm at with any questions on applying.