Wednesday, April 18, 2018

Michigan State University - ENST Summer Courses in Fisheries & Wildlife

Michigan State University's Fisheries and Wildlife Department is offering several online courses this summer that will be of broad interest.  None of these courses has pre-requisites.  In addition to being open to all MSU students, anyone with a high school diploma can enroll through MSU’s Lifelong Education program ( Whether you’re contemplating earning a degree in Fisheries and Wildlife or simply wanting to learn more about a topic you are passionate about, these courses are for you.  

FW101 (3 credits), Introduction to Fisheries and Wildlife Ecology and Management, provides a broad overview to the topic of FW conservation.  We consider the history of natural resource use in North America, a primer on animal population dynamics, an introduction to ecosystems, and many examples of ongoing  research in the FW department at MSU and an introduction to the people who are leading the efforts. This is equivalent to ENST 214 Intro to Fish & Wildlife.

FW207 (3 credits), Great Lakes Biology and Management, is an ideal way for everyone to learn more about the Great Lakes that define Michigan as a state, and that are vital as some of the largest sources of freshwater on the planet. This can count as an ENST elective.

FW491 (Intro to Lakes, 1 credit; or Recreational Fishing, 2 credits and 1 credit optional weekend lab) are perfect for anyone interested in learning more about lakes, fish, or fishing. The 1 credit Introduction to Lakes course provides an excellent overview of these ecosystems, and of their management, with a particular focus on policy and management related to lake shorelines.  The Recreational Fishing course delves into the science underlying fishing.  Learn how research is conducted to better understand how fishing affects fish populations and how fish populations can be sustainably managed.  Then put theory into practice in the 1 credit lab, which will involve a weekend of fishing in the northern Lower Peninsula. This can count as an ENST elective.

Questions about MSU?  Contact Dr. Mary Tate Bremigan,, 517-432-3831