Wednesday, January 31, 2018

American Ecological Engineering Society - First Meeting Spring 2018

Calling all ENST students! (Especially Eco-tech Design concentrations)

AEES is back and is having their first general body meeting tomorrowWednesdayJanuary 31st, 5:00-6:00 PM in 1420 ANS (Animal Science Building). It's one of the conference rooms on the second floor of Animal Science.

This semester, we’re excited to:

·       Engage in outdoor social activities with like- minded individuals
·       Finalize design plans and construct green walls for a restaurant in DC.
·       Brainstorm other eco-technologies we want to build
·       Hear guest lectures from professionals in the field.
·       Plan for the 18th annual national AEES conference


The American Ecological Engineering Society [AEES] is a national professional society dedicated to continuing the field of ecological engineering.  Just like ENST’s Eco-Tech-Design major, AEES’s mission is to create a sense of balance between the natural world and the built world to foster social, economic, and ecological sustainability.

AEES is a great place to network with other environmental science professionals and showcase your own work at their national conventions! For just $10, anyone can become a member of this national society. Lucky for us, AEES has their very own UMD chapter led by some ENST and engineering students!

COME LEARN about what ecological engineering is all about!! New faces are always welcome!