Monday, November 14, 2016

Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group Career Opportunities

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Career Opportunities

GIS Analyst (Coordinator), Africa Region

Location: Nairobi, Kenya (preferred) or Arusha, Tanzania

The Africa Program of The Nature Conservancy is seeking a broadly experienced geospatial professional to provide support to our diverse and growing set of projects throughout the continent. The GIS Analyst supports The Nature Conservancy's Africa Program at all levels from basic cartography and data creation/management to complex spatial analysis. 

S/he will work closely and report to the Smart Growth Director in the Africa Program, and will manage a centralized geospatial database, perform data analysis, design and produce advanced queries and professional reports, process spatial and other relational data sets from cartographic/tabular source material, provide hardware and software support, and produce maps and other graphic products.

Click here for application details>

Coordinator, Peace and Development Partnerships (PDP) Program

Location: Arlington, VA, USA
Conservation International (CI) is seeking a Coordinator to provide technical and operational support to PDP activities, including providing assistance with the implementation of CI's Environmental Peacebuilding Strategy; developing basic training packages in peace and conflict-sensitive conservation for CI staff and partners; leading PDP communication efforts; researching potential institutional partnerships with humanitarian, relief and development organizations; and conducting background research on fundraising prospects.

AWF Logo

Digital Marketing Associate

Location: Washington, DC

The African Wildlife Foundation is seeking a Digital Marketing Associate to play a key role in their digital marketing and fundraising efforts, focusing on crafting compelling content for our multi-channel campaigns, managing social marketing efforts, and online partner relationships.

Responsibilities for this position include writing and editing content for digital marketing campaigns across fundraising programs, including emails, landing pages and website components, copywriting/planning for monthly membership e-Newsletter, managing social marketing efforts, and developing content for new channels and platforms (i.e. peer-to-peer, message-to-target, behavioral, and off-site link-building).

Click here for application details>


Forestry and Climate Change Officer

Location: Boende, Democratic Republic of the Congo

The Africa Wildlife Foundation is seeking a Forestry and Climate Change Officer to coordinate AWF's Congo Landscape forestry and climate change interventions. The incumbent will also assist the Senior Project Officer in planning and monitoring of the implementation of Land Use Plans and in addressing drivers of deforestation in the landscape. He will also reinforce capacities of stakeholders on Global Climate Change issues and facilitate the buy in and adoption of microzones by competent authorities from the local to the national level.

The position reports to the Congo Landscape Manager, and will be based in Boendé, Democratic Republic of Congo.
Click here for application details>

Disaster Management Advisor

Location: Ethiopia
In support of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in Ethiopia and the US Forest Service Office of International Programs (USFS), Management and Engineering Technologies International, Inc (METI) seeks one full-time Disaster Management Advisor for one year to work with Ethiopia's National Disaster Risk Management Commission (NDRMC) to implement specific aspects of the Ethiopian National Incident Management System (NIMS).  At the end of the year, it is anticipated that NDRMC (and associated regional bureaus) will deploy aspects of NIMS in multiple regions and be able to enhance and further professionalize emergency response in the country.  

Some responsibilities include mentoring emergency operations centers (EOCs), initiating training and capacity building activities for NDRMC staff, provide technical assistance to FEPRA during the Emergency Operation Plan (EOP), provide quarterly and annual reports for USAID and USFS, and initiate/maintain contacts with other organizations in Ethiopia.

 Click here for application details>


Location: Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Le World Resources Institute (WRI) et United States Forest Service (USFS) International Programs, des partenaires à la mise en œuvre du Programme Régional pour l'Environnement en Afrique Centrale (CARPE) de l'Agence des Etats-Unis pour le Développement International (USAID), cherchent un consultant pour appuyer la mise en œuvre de la foresterie communautaire en RDC et le processus de la rédaction et de la validation du guide opérationnel du PSG.

Certain fonctions comprennent achever la rédaction du guide opérationnel pour les plans simples de gestion pour les concessions forestières des communautés locales, assurer la bonne implication des parties prenantes (gouvernement, instituts de recherche, société civile, secteur privé, partenaires techniques et financières) dans le processus de rédaction du guide, et appuyer la promulgation du guide à travers le développement des matériaux de communication et de formation. La consultance sera base à Kinshasa pour un période de trois mois avec un niveau d'effort total de trois mois (63 jours). 

Click here for application details> 
Conservation Awards
Location: Various locations

From now until November 28, 2016, the Conservation Leadership Programme (CLP) is accepting applications from early-career conservationists who want to be part of our growing network of leaders engaged in advancing scientific knowledge, bringing about important changes in human behaviour and delivering measurable results that contribute to more effective conservation and management of our natural world. CLP is a partnership between BirdLife International, Fauna & Flora International and the Wildlife Conservation Society.

Click here for application details>

GIS RS Technical Advisor

Location: Democratic Republic of the Congo

The World Resources Institute's Africa Forest Team seeks a GIS RS technical advisor to support its efforts to lead multi-sectoral, data-driven, and inclusive land use planning processes and management of natural resources in the Congo Basin, especially focusing in the DRC. Among the overall objectives is to support achieving national and sub-national development priorities while also prioritizing forest protection, biodiversity conservation and respect of customary land tenure, by shifting incompatible development priorities away from these areas. Primary partners in this work include government institutions in charge of land-use planning, sectoral (e.g. forest, mining, agriculture, transport) ministries, local civil society and private sector actors involved in major land-based investments.

The GIS RS technical adviser will be based in Kinshasa and will play a leadership role in supporting data information system, managing collaborative partnerships with government and local civil society, and overseeing implementation of WRI's support to land use planning actions related to technical issues. The GIS RS technical adviser will be primarily focused on supporting initiatives in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). The GIS RS technical adviser will report to the GFW Africa GIS Manager, and also work in very close collaboration with the Africa Forest Team and Global Forest Team.

 Click here for application details>


Manager, Forest Transparency Initiative

Location: Brazzaville, Republic of Congo

The World Resources Institute (WRI) seeks a Manager to lead its Forest Transparency Initiative (FTI) activities in Central Africa, Europe and the United States. Key responsibilities of the FTI Manager will include overseeing the design, development and implementation of the FTI website, as well as managing the day-to-day collaboration with forest sector companies, NGOs (notably independent forest monitors), donors and other FTI stakeholders.  Specific attention will be placed on ensuring that FTI is consistently meeting the needs of its target audience.  
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Rebecca Haagens | Africa Biodiversity Collaborative Group | 202.347.0672 | Email | Website
ABCG aims to tackle conservation challenges by catalyzing and strengthening collaboration to effectively and efficiently work toward a vision of an African continent where natural resources and biodiversity are securely conserved in balance with sustained human livelihoods.